Wonderful Well Community Group
Wonderful Well Community Group - set up in Autumn 2019 to bring the village together through a series of community events, starting with putting on the lights on the first village Christmas Tree at the crossroads, carol singing in the village, a village coffee morning, resurrecting the popular village Scarecrow Trail and many more.
Look out for more information over the coming months – email [email protected]
Donations - We continue to fund raise whenever possible to ensure we can be self sufficient, however any donations towards the community activities planned for the village in the near future by Wonderful Well will be gratefully received.
Account Name: Wonderful Well
Bank account no: 43259196
Sort Code: 20-59-43
Look out for more information over the coming months – email [email protected]
Donations - We continue to fund raise whenever possible to ensure we can be self sufficient, however any donations towards the community activities planned for the village in the near future by Wonderful Well will be gratefully received.
Account Name: Wonderful Well
Bank account no: 43259196
Sort Code: 20-59-43